Saturday, August 8, 2009

Virtual Stylist

I could spend hours on polyvore - it satisfies all my childhood dreams of creating faux fashion layouts and with access to almost any item of clothing available on the web. If i could have one superpower, I could turn polyvore layouts into physical real life outfits that I could keep and not have to pay a cent for.

Another website similar to polyvore that has popped up recently is It only has a limited selection of clothes, supposedly selected by a group of stylists, but unlike polyvore, you can compile an outfit and put on an actual human being. The models make some goofy faces, but you can switch up their hair and facial expressions a little bit. I only wish I could upload my own body and model the clothes myself.

But with websites like these, we're only a couple of steps away from selecting actual outfits from our closet via computer, like Cher in Clueless. Above are some of the looks I created.

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